Thursday, October 8, 2015

This is What I Call a Blog.

I have not written in a while. 

I say that, although I have written recently, just last week in-fact. I define "writing" as writing here. This is my journal, my thoughts all on one page. 

My thoughts about Jesus, God, life, everything. 

**(Before this next paragraph starts, I realize some people might be offended, as much as I try to avoid offending people, sometimes it's too broad a topic and it's hard to know if people are offended. Just in case, I put a disclaimer at the very bottom of this post clearing this part up, thanks!)**

This is what I call a blog. I realize there are more organized ones, with pretty templates, professional posts, pages, loads of pages of posts. 
The only reason mine is not like the others is because I try to connect with people, obviously the other people connect with their followers too, but what I'm saying is, I like to converse with people, I like to go into deep conversations. I realize on a blog your basically just giving your thoughts to people and hoping they'll understand, but I see my blog as much more than that, I like teaching people. 

I like posting and leaving the blog thinking that I might've have touched someone, or taught someone something new, or showed them a verse they didn't know existed. 

Obviously I'm only 13, so I know your thinking, she's too young to teach people. I realize that people can hardly learn anything from my small amount of knowledge, but that's the thing, you can't know everything. In fact while we're on earth we will only know in part, but then when we go to heaven, we will know fully. (1 Corinthians 13:12) 

I also realize I leave some people confused, and I get that. I understand that because I, so often, am confused. About a lot of things. 

I realize I'm ending this post, and I realize it's going to be confusing, it's going to be REALLY confusing, in fact, I'm confused about the words coming out of my mouth, I'm worried about them. Because I don't know what or how other people think. I  only know what and how I think, so how am I supposed to bring a point across to so many people that possibly view my blog. 

My thoughts are raw, weird, and just plain odd. (I realize odd is redundant because I just said weird, but that's the thing, this is how I think.) 

I need not worry about what others think, because I only need to write about what is acceptable in His Sight, not about what's popular, trending, or something other than those two things.(although writing about the world's current events from a Christian standpoint is important)
But, I realize that the only Audience I need to be writing for is God. 

P.S. I realize I use the word realize a lot ;] and I know I should avoid redundancy in writing. 

** P.P.S. I am not trying to put anyone down here, I find nothing wrong with professional, beautiful blogs! I enjoy them a lot! All I'm doing is saying why mine is not beautiful and professional, because this is what my brain looks like, disorganized and crazy, and REALLY unprofessional. And I'm also not saying you're not connecting with your readers, because you are, (I read those blogs) I'm saying why mine is so conversational sometimes. (Just wanted to clear that up, haha! :] ) **

Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

The wind blows different tonight. The clear sky of the early morning has turned to dark clouds.
The birds are singing a different song tonight. The trees and sky are in mourning. Perhaps, they don't even know Who they are mourning for tonight. The One who gave His Life so we could have ours. He took His last breath so that we could have our first. His blood poured out to cleanse our sinful hearts. He gave up His Life so that on the day of judgement, we could stand white as snow in front of The Throne of God.

Oh, may I then in Him be found. Oh, may I then in Him be found.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I wanted to tell you. I did. I truly did.

Poppy, I knew the day we were at the hospital, I knew it was the last, I was hoping you would stay a little longer, so I could get courage to say goodbye, but... I didnt. I feel so guilty for not. The scariest words. It scared me to the very core. I knew God was there, and I knew it was time for you to go home. I miss you, that's all I can say.

Love Sydney

A post I have been working on...

This is a post I've been working on for a very long time... Keep in mind this is still a work in progress, it is not finished yet.


Flaws. We all have them. Some of us feel bad when they look into the mirror, expecting to see endless beauty...but instead, you don't. All you see is that one side of your cheek that has less blush, showing your asymmetric freckles, or a birthmark that you try so desperately to hide, or maybe you scrub your face with all the strength you have just to clean one pimple that you think stands out... You dream of being beautiful. But, guess what? You already are. You may not think so, but you are.

Let me tell you a story. A story of the creator of the world, and the brave Prince, who came back for His children.. Now, sit down and get comfy, for this story is not too long, not too short, but just right.

You will not be bored by this story. Nor will you want to skip a few chapters to find the ending.

And, before I start, let me tell you, the ending is nothing short of incredible. I don't want to spoil it for you, but somehow, I feel like I need to...the Prince came to save us. And what does saving us mean? He took the price, like when the stranger behind at the drive thru pays for your meals. But even more amazing. Because you see,

He died to take the penalty of YOUR sins, of MY sins, of EVERYONE ON THE WHOLE PLANETS sins.

He did it not because He wanted to look cool, not because He was forced, it's because He LOVED YOU.

(John 3:16, for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.) Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you His Name.

His name is Jesus, Emmanuel, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Savior, Messiah.

First, let's start off with the creation of the world, the ground we live on, the stars that twinkle in the sky, the birds that fly so gracefully and freely, and the spinning planets, and all the galaxies, the creatures that swim, fly, and walk on the ground...are you ready to hear this story? I hope so, because it will be the best one you've ever heard.


That's all I have written so far, actually, there's more, but I'm still editing the rest. ;)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Faith is a tightrope on a foggy day.

Faith is like walking on a tightrope on a foggy day. You can't see the end, only what's right in front of you. All you can hear are the shouts below you, trying to trick you, saying there is another way to the end. Or do you hear the ones yelling out, "You'll never make it!"? 

Jesus is walking on a tightrope parallel to yours, don't you hear Him? He's saying "Trust Me, don't listen to those people down below. Trust Me" But sometimes you can't hear Him, all you can hear are the shouts that insult you, ones telling you that your wrong, that there's another way. But they are wrong. 

Don't let them distract you from Jesus, no matter how hard it is. There is no other way to Heaven, except through Him, the Redeemer. If you trust Him, you'll make it, He promises all those who believe in Him in their hearts, will get eternal life. Isn't that simply a wonderful promise? If you believe in Him, while walking on the tightrope, you will receive the best gift of all. 

Living life with Jesus in Heaven. Forever.

"Faith is not knowing what the future holds, it's about knowing Who holds the future in His Hands." 

Friday, May 2, 2014

He is your life guard.

Jesus is your lifeguard. He's the person who will run out and save you. 

He will fight the currents until He reaches you, and when He gets to you.

He will take you through the tough currents to the shore, because you aren't strong enough without Him. He will take you to the shore and heal you.

He will love you, even though you were frustrated and scared during the currents. He will love you in the calm and will love you in the storm. 

Even when you've had enough, and just want to give up and float off into the open sea. Trust Him. He will take you through the currents, the sharks, the waves. He will hold your hand the whole way. You do not have to be afraid.


Matthew 14:25-31 NIV

25Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

27But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Friday, April 18, 2014

Why I keep running...

Before we adopted my little sister, I never prayed for a perfectly obedient little girl who would listen to everything you said, I prayed for simply a little sister. That's it. One I could help teach right from wrong. One that would say my name and call me to play. One I could love and hug. 

I got what I wanted, and got just what I needed. She literally appeared on our doorstep, and I will never be able to thank God enough for that. I love her more than my mind can comprehend. Even though she irritates me sometimes, I love her. She's my little sister, but more so, she's my friend. My best friend. 

When she came, we didn't know if she would talk. There was no greater fear I had, that my little sister would never say my name. I prayed whenever I got the chance just for the slightest word. All she knew was sounds, and she expected us to understand, when we didn't frustration overtook her. She would scream and cry.

We slowly starting teaching her words and she slowly learned. At least it felt like it was slow. You don't know the joy that came into my heart when she first said "sissy." Now she says "I love you, sissy." And those are the sweetest words I have ever heard.

Some words are hard to understand, but she knows what she's talking about and she will show us. Even though she gets so angry when we don't understand her, she loves us, and you can tell. The way she smiles when you do something silly, the way she asks why your "eyes sad" when your crying, the way she kisses YOUR boo boos, the way she dances with you, and plays with you, and hugs you, and kisses you.

Sometimes I need to remind myself that even when she screams out my name in anger when I don't understand, I still need to smile that she can actually say my name. And that is why I keep running. Even when I feel like I'm about to fall apart.


Praise the lord ! Praise the lord from the heavens! Praise him from the skies! Praise him, all his angels! Praise him, all the armies of heaven! Praise him, sun and moon! Praise him, all you twinkling stars! Praise him, skies above! Praise him, vapors high above the clouds! (Psalms 148:1-4 NLT)