Thursday, October 8, 2015

This is What I Call a Blog.

I have not written in a while. 

I say that, although I have written recently, just last week in-fact. I define "writing" as writing here. This is my journal, my thoughts all on one page. 

My thoughts about Jesus, God, life, everything. 

**(Before this next paragraph starts, I realize some people might be offended, as much as I try to avoid offending people, sometimes it's too broad a topic and it's hard to know if people are offended. Just in case, I put a disclaimer at the very bottom of this post clearing this part up, thanks!)**

This is what I call a blog. I realize there are more organized ones, with pretty templates, professional posts, pages, loads of pages of posts. 
The only reason mine is not like the others is because I try to connect with people, obviously the other people connect with their followers too, but what I'm saying is, I like to converse with people, I like to go into deep conversations. I realize on a blog your basically just giving your thoughts to people and hoping they'll understand, but I see my blog as much more than that, I like teaching people. 

I like posting and leaving the blog thinking that I might've have touched someone, or taught someone something new, or showed them a verse they didn't know existed. 

Obviously I'm only 13, so I know your thinking, she's too young to teach people. I realize that people can hardly learn anything from my small amount of knowledge, but that's the thing, you can't know everything. In fact while we're on earth we will only know in part, but then when we go to heaven, we will know fully. (1 Corinthians 13:12) 

I also realize I leave some people confused, and I get that. I understand that because I, so often, am confused. About a lot of things. 

I realize I'm ending this post, and I realize it's going to be confusing, it's going to be REALLY confusing, in fact, I'm confused about the words coming out of my mouth, I'm worried about them. Because I don't know what or how other people think. I  only know what and how I think, so how am I supposed to bring a point across to so many people that possibly view my blog. 

My thoughts are raw, weird, and just plain odd. (I realize odd is redundant because I just said weird, but that's the thing, this is how I think.) 

I need not worry about what others think, because I only need to write about what is acceptable in His Sight, not about what's popular, trending, or something other than those two things.(although writing about the world's current events from a Christian standpoint is important)
But, I realize that the only Audience I need to be writing for is God. 

P.S. I realize I use the word realize a lot ;] and I know I should avoid redundancy in writing. 

** P.P.S. I am not trying to put anyone down here, I find nothing wrong with professional, beautiful blogs! I enjoy them a lot! All I'm doing is saying why mine is not beautiful and professional, because this is what my brain looks like, disorganized and crazy, and REALLY unprofessional. And I'm also not saying you're not connecting with your readers, because you are, (I read those blogs) I'm saying why mine is so conversational sometimes. (Just wanted to clear that up, haha! :] ) **

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